Rosh Resources AG has extensive logistical and storage capability around the world. As a global trading house, we have a detailed overview of macro and micro trends. As physical traders, we gain first-hand experience of economic fundamentals as they play out on the ground.
We are rapidly developing with huge potential of trading opportunities for gas and oil products, as well as some food products such as coffee.
We understand the market needs and react effectively to our customers’ requirements. We are an energetic and experienced team of professional traders and analysts.
Our responsibilities reports are a communication tool to inform all of our stakeholders on how we think about, implement and track our performance as it relates to responsible business. Rosh Recourses AG is committed to ensuring that all employees maintain the highest level of integrity and transparency in the performance of their individual and collective roles and responsibilities.
Compliance is the responsibility of every employee at Rosh Resources AG. As a group, we contribute to developing opportunities for people and improving the life of the communities in which we are active.